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Rego Aquam

Entrapping the Spirits of the Water ... Re Aq - Gen
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Spec. ...
The maga draws a binding circle of some form around an area, such as a pentagram or magic circle. Any appropriate entity within the circle when the spell is cast is unable to leave the circle or disturb the circle in any way unless its Magic Might is greater than the spell's Level - 5 + die. Should the integrity of the circle ever be broken in any way, the entities within are free to leave. As soon as they leave, the spell ends and must be recast. (Effectively a reversed ward with Ring duration.) It is possible to summon a creature so that when it appears, it is trapped within the circle.

Curse of Tantalus ... Re Aq - 10
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun. ...
While this spell is in effect, water and other drinkable liquids will stay outside the target's lips. Has the beneficial side-effect of adding +2 to drowning rolls, as water can still enter the nose. A good follow up to Curse of the Desert (PeAq 25).

Haste of the Playful Porpoise ... Re Aq - 15
... Portée : Self ... Durée : Sun. ...
The target of the spell gains speed and control of motion in water. Add +5 to appropriate swim rolls and double swimming speed.

Water Bomb ... Re Aq - 15
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
Gets a globe of water from a nearby source and flings it at the target. Does no damage unless the water is boiling hot or acid (eg. if in a lab, this spell could be used to great effect and fling lots of dangerous liquids around). Aquam version of Leap of Flames (ReIg 15).

Sailor's Delight ... Re Aq - 20
... Portée : Zone Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
Stops water from entering a boat. Of little help if the boat capsizes.

Change the River's Path ... Re Aq - 25
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
This causes all the water within range to flow in any general direction you desire. The water does not fly into the air, but can be made to flow uphill, to funnel back into a bottle, or to propel a swimmer at 20 paces per round.

Sailing the Arrows Course ... Re Aq - 30
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun. ...
Holds a ship on a straight course through the water, no matter what the prevailing weather conditions, or what steering is applied by the crew. This spell does not provide propulsion, just resistance to movement in any direction but forward, so the ship will still require propulsion of some sort.

The Sea's Mouth ... Re Aq - 30
... Portée : Sight ... Durée : Conc. ...
The caster causes a large body of water to ``swallow'' a ship or other buoyant object up to Size +5, dragging it down into the water. Once the object is below the water level, water will cover the object. Each round, the caster must make a Finesse roll of 6 plus the object's Size, possibly modified for objects more or less buoyant than normal.


The caster may stop concentrating at any time, ending the spell, and causing the object to regain its normal water mark immediately (at high speed).

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