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Rego Ignem

Entrapping the Spirits of Fire ... Re Ig - Gen
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Spec. ...
The maga draws a binding circle of some form around an area, such as a pentagram or magic circle. Any appropriate entity within the circle when the spell is cast is unable to leave the circle or disturb the circle in any way unless its Magic Might is greater than the spell's Level - 5 + die. Should the integrity of the circle ever be broken in any way, the entities within are free to leave. As soon as they leave, the spell ends and must be recast. (Effectively a reversed ward with Ring duration.) It is possible to summon a creature so that when it appears, it is trapped within the circle.

Gathering in the Raging Flames ... Re Ig - Gen
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
This allows the caster to gather in any fire or flames which come within range, absorbing them within herself. As this occurs, the caster seems to glow with the suppressed fires, becoming slowly brighter and brighter. In order to gather in the fires, a Concentration roll of 9+ must be made, fire can be held up to damage value equal to the Level of the spell + die. At any time the fire held within can be let forth on any within reach range, and this occurs automatically should anything touch the caster. Again a Concentration roll is necessary -- on a 9+ all the gathered potential is released at once, on a 15+ any amount of it can be released at the caster's choosing. Should, at any time, a Concentration roll for this spell be failed; all the fire held immediately damages the caster with no magic resistance possible. The same occurs should the amount of fire exceed the maximum. Magi usually vent part of any accumulated fire in order to avoid this possibility.

Crafting the Raging Flames ... Re Ig - 15
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
Allows the caster to shape flames from a single source as desired. Intensity of the flames cannot be changed, so intensity will still diminish at a distance from the source; though direction of flame may be changed -- making the fire burn horizontally instead of vertically, for instance.

Molding the Liquid Light ... Re Ig - 15
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
Shapes light in an area into any shape the caster desires. Does not change the intensity of light -- brightness is still relative to the distance from the source -- but allows the caster to prevent the light from reaching outside the shaped area. Volume of shaping is 3 paces in radius from the source of the light.

Shaping the Flickering Shadows ... Re Ig - 15
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ... Pe
Shapes shadows and magical darkness up to 5 paces in diameter.

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