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Rego Corporem

Rumble of Discontent ... Re Co - 3
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ...
Causes the target's stomach to growl very loudly.

March of the Lead Feet ... Re Co - 10
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun. ...
Target of the spell is slowed to 1/2 normal movement, for all movement involving use of the legs.

Caress of Infinite Pleasure ... Re Co - 15
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Sun. ... Im
This spell causes the target to feel intensely pleasurable feelings when ever in skin to skin contact with the caster. The strength of these sensations may be varied by the caster by concentrating (Concentration + Int roll of 6+, more if distracted), from mildly pleasurable to near incapacitating (Target must make Int + Concentration rolls of 12+ to take any action at all).

Embrace of the Steel Vice ... Re Co - 15
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Conc. ...
You embrace someone or something, crushing them with tremendous strength. Damage is +10 per round, and armor only protects agains the damage for the first round. The target needs a Str roll to break free from your embrace; the target roll is 8 + your Str on the first round, 11+ your Str after that. Your chest and arms are protected from damage due to the embrace, but not from damage by other means.

Error of the Bumbling Fool ... Re Co - 15
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ...
Causes the target to make one clumsy maneuver, be it tripping over her own feet, dropping something, or whatever. The particular action is up to the storyguide and whimsy cards, but will be about the equivalent of a single botch. Ruthless magi enjoy casting this spell on grogs that annoy them.

Fall of the Lazy Leaf ... Re Co - 15
... Portée : Self ... Durée : [0]Sun. ...
Makes the target fall very slowly, preventing damage from falls. Like Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10) but the caster may only go down. The spell lasts until the caster encounters something to stop her from descending. Good spell for fast-cast (or magic item).

Pulling the Rug out from Under ... Re Co - 15
... Portée : Sight ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ...
This spell causes the target to trip and fall. The victim must make a Dex roll to avoid this; however, the difficulty of the roll depends upon what she is doing. Thus, someone standing still would only require a roll of 2+ while someone running full speed in heavy armor may require a roll of 16+ (or greater). Only one target may be effected.

Removing the Clothes of the Body ... Re Co - 15
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Conc. ... Pe
Removes the skin from a person's body where the caster touches. It takes approximately a minute to remove the entire skin. The spell works on both the living and the dead. If they are alive and not under a spell such as Endurance of the Berserkers (ReCo 15) then they will very probably scream themselves hoarse and then faint from the pain. If something isn't done relatively quickly they will also probably die of blood loss. The skin comes away in one neat continuous piece.

Robber of the Grave ... Re Co - 15
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun. ...
Animates a corpse to dig its way out of its own grave from the inside out. Of minor use to dig up corpses, but of great use to frighten peasants, keeping them out of the graveyard at night -- the best time for a necromancer's work.

The Path of Travel ... Re Co - 15
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : [-1]Sun. ...
Cast upon a target who is moving along a particular road or trail, the target will not fatigue so long as she continues moving on the path. As soon as the target stops moving or leaves the trail, the spell ends, and the target loses one long-term fatigue level.

Note that combat in almost any form requires stopping or leaving the trail.

Treading the Surface of the Waves ... Re Co - 15
... Portée : Self ... Durée : Conc. ... Aq
Enables the maga to walk on water as though it were solid (though loose) ground. Treat the surface as loose earth or sand.

Wings of Equilibrium ... Re Co - 15
... Portée : Self ... Durée : Conc. ...
You hold your arms out fully extended at your sides, and are unable to lose your balance as long as you concentrate. If the surface you are on moves, you will move with it, but you will not lose your balance unless the surface shifts to an angle steeper than 45 degrees. You may walk while maintaining this spell, but you may not move faster than a step a second, or you must make concentration rolls to maintain concentration (difficulty is up to the storyguide and also dependent upon your speed)

Arm of Steel ... Re Co - 20
... Portée : Self ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ... Mu Te
The caster's arm becomes as tough as steel for a split second, and moves to intercept any one blow with a parry skill of +20 (!). The spell, once cast, may be delayed indefinitely as long as the caster concentrates. If fast-cast, this spell may be used against any attack which occurs at the same time or following the completion of this spell.

Curse of the Leper's Rejection ... Re Co - 20
... Portée : Near ... Durée : [-1]Sun./Perm. ...
The target of this spell will be physically repulsed from a specific object, person, or location specified by the caster. The target must make a Str roll to come within 5 paces of the object, and must make a new Str roll each pace further, at a -1 to the roll per pace, cumulative (thus the roll is at -3 within 3 pace). Failing this roll means the target is forced back one pace, must make a Dex roll at the same penalties to avoid falling, if still within 5 paces, must make another Str roll immediately or be forced back another pace, and must make a fatigue roll or lose a fatigue level. Once the target touches the object of the avoidance with a (possibly gloved) hand, or at Sunrise/Sunset, the spell is ended. Application of raw vis can extend the duration of this spell to Perm., in which case the spell is renewed every sunrise and sunset.

Flesh to Flesh ... Re Co - 20
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ... Mu
All skin in contact with the target's skin is bound to it, including any of the target's own skin which is touching. The skin holds together with enough strength that separating the skin can only be done by damaging one or both of the attached pieces of flesh. Just ripping the flesh apart requires a Str roll of 6 to 12, and does +0 to +15 damage to both targets, which can only be soaked with Stm + Size. The Str roll required and the damage done are based upon how much skin is being separated.

Rebellion of the Earth's Pull ... Re Co - 20
... Portée : Self ... Durée : Conc. ... Te
The maga can move from one wall to another at a 90 degree angle with a Dex roll of 6+ with failure meaning that the maga falls, breaking concentration and ending the spell. Sloped walls and lesser angles cause problems less often, but the maga may never walk at an angle greater than 120 degrees from vertical.

Rooted Feet of the Shackled Felon ... Re Co - 20
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun. ...
Prevents the target from moving her feet from the ground.

Sleep Walker ... Re Co - 20
... Portée : Near ... Durée : [-1]Sun. ... Me
Cast on a sleeping target, allows the caster to control the target's physical motions completely, so long as the target remains asleep. None of the target's own motions will cause the target to wake, but any other things that would normally wake the target: noise, being shaken, pain, etc., will still wake the target, and thus end the spell.

The Wizard's Dodge ... Re Co - 20
... Portée : Self ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ...
Moves you very quickly about 5 feet, insuring that anyone trying to hit you will miss. You will move in a direction such that you don't hit anything solid and will land with something under your feet. However, in areas with lots of branches, undergrowth, etc., in the way you must soak between +0 and +6 damage, depending on how much is in your way. Of little use unless fastcast.

Treading the Paths of the Clouds ... Re Co - 20
... Portée : Self ... Durée : Conc. ... Au
Enables the maga to ``walk'' on air. Note that this is not true flight, being much slower, and requiring the maga to walk on ``stairs'' to ascend and descend.

Speed of the Startled Hare ... Re Co - 20
... Portée : Self ... Durée : Nap ...
The caster can run as fast as a rabbit for as long as she continues running. Fatigue is proportional to the effort, the spell just allows much greater speed.

Castle of Flesh ... Re Co - 25
... Portée : Near(Ring) ... Durée : [-1]Sun. ...
Prevents humans and humans transformed into other forms from entering a ring 7 paces in diameter. Humans may force their way into the ring with Str + Size rolls of 12+, but will be completely vulnerable on the round that they are forcing their way in. Once three people have forced their way in, or the caster leaves the ring, the spell ends.

Harmony of Duplication ... Re Co - 25
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
A limited version of Strings of the Unwilling Marionette (ReCo 30), the target of this spell is controlled by the caster so that she must exactly mimic the caster's actions.

Jumping Through the Blink of an Eye ... Re Co - 25
... Portée : Self ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ...
As soon as this spell is complete, the caster may jump and will then appear at the spot where she would have landed as if there were no barriers in the way. Thus, she could `jump' through doors, or jump down from the top of a cliff without harm. May be combined with Gift of the Frog's Legs.

Man Imbued with Storm's Fury ... Re Co - 25
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Nap ...
This spell allows the target to move twice as fast as normal. Unfortunately, the target must also make a Stm+Athletics roll of 6+ each round acting at this speed or pull something while moving too fast for their own body. A botch indicates the subject suffers the effects of Clenching Grasp of the Crushed Heart (PeCo 40). Extra botch dice should be added as appropriate for the target's age and physical condition. The effect persists for five minutes, and at the end of the spell, the target must make a 9+ Stm check, with each missed point indicating the loss of one long term fatigue level, and one level minimum. A botch indicates the effects of Clenching Grasp of the Crushed Heart, as above. Note that not only does the target receive two attacks per round, they are very fast. The second attack takes effect at double their first. A person with this spell in effect on them can be automatically assumed to have control of their submelee. A person under this spell can also run twice as fast as normal, and moves with double their normal Qik.

Sanctity of the Flesh ... Re Co - 25
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ...
The target of this spell, who must be dead, will become protected so that it may not be raised as a skeleton, zombie, or other undead. This spell is not perfect -- certain powerful spells may be able to overcome it, but it enchants the body in such a way that the body is as resistant to manipulation as a body which has been buried by church burial. Some magi cast this spell with a Watching Ward (ReVi Gen), so that when they die, it will automatically be cast on their body. This spell may be cast on an already animated corpse, in which case the corpse will be laid to rest if the caster's Penetration total exceeds the corpse's magic resistance.

Statue of Flesh ... Re Co - 25
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
The target of the spell is held completely rigid, unable to move, speak, or even urinate. The target may move very quickly and jerkily with Str rolls of 12+, one roll each round.

The Living Arrow ... Re Co - 25
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ...
Throws the target straight upwards with great speed. The spell only lasts an instant, but during that instant, the target gets propelled upwards 10 paces, and then gets to soak the falling damage...

The Traitorous Hands ... Re Co - 25
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
Causes the target's hands to attempt to kill her: they immediately drop any items they hold and start trying to strangle her. Str + Stm rolls of 12+ to resist each round. If not, soak Str + 5 brawling damage each round. Should the target fall unconscious, the hands will continue to strangle her until death.

Exchange Between Prison Bars ... Re Co - 25
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ...
By means of this spell you exchange places with someone you touch. Natural resistance roll; Stm of 10+. See grimoire for uses.

Aversion of the Expanding Sphere ... Re Co - 30
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Nap ...
The target of this spell will be physically repulsed from some designated object, person, or place, as in Curse of the Leper's Rejection (ReCo 20), but the target will be forced to continue moving away from the given object, at a rate of 1 pace per round, until the spell is complete. The target of this spell must make a Str roll just to remain in place, and all rolls to move towards the object of Aversion are at -3 and require 2 extra botch rolls. Failure in an attempt to move towards the object of Aversion requires a Dex roll at -3 to avoid falling, another Str roll to avoid being forced another pace away, and a Fatigue roll to avoid losing a fatigue level. As with Curse of the Leper's Rejection, the target touching the object of Aversion will end the spell.

Gift of Infinite Pleasure ... Re Co - 30
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ... Im
As per Pains of Perpetual Agony (PeCo 30), but with the effects of Caress of Infinite Pleasure (ReCo 15).

Calling the Man ... Re Co - 35
... Portée : Arcane ... Durée : Conc. ... Me
Like Calling the Creature (ReAn 30), save that it works on humans. The target may resist with an Int roll of 14+. The person will be obviously entranced. A target will attempt to use all the modes of transportation that she would consider normal; but she will not be creative. For example, she will book passage on a ship if she had done so before, but not if she was, say, a peasant who had never done so. Need an Arcane connection.

The Convenient Position ... Re Co - 35
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ...
The caster changes places (physically) with the target, teleporting to the target's spot and teleporting the target to her own spot. The caster and the target inherit each other's facing as well as each other's position.

Suspending the March of Life ... Re Co - 40
R ... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Spec. ...
Puts the target into suspended animation, slowing down bodily functions to one-twentieth normal. This spell lasts until the name of the target is spoken three times in succession within hearing range of the target. Only works on willing targets.

Snatching a Stranger from a Strange Land ... Re Co - 45
R ... Portée : Arcane ... Durée : Inst. ...
This spell brings any individual with which the caster has a sorcerous connection directly in front of the caster.

Speeding to the Sibling's Aid ... Re Co - 45
... Portée : Arcane ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ...
As per Leap of Homecoming (ReCo 35), but the destination is next to a blood relative with whom you have a magical connection such as House Westros does.

Enchantment of the Vengeful Return ... Re Co - 60
R ... Portée : Self ... Durée : Perm. ...
The caster enchants her own body to return from the grave and exact vengeance upon her murderer(s). The caster's body will rise on the first full moon after death, empowered with physical and magical resilience -- Magic Might equal to twice the caster's Vim score at the time of death, Soak equal to the caster's Corporem score, and some manifestation of any arts the caster was especially powerful in: poison claws for a Perdo maga, ability to make beasts attack people for an Animal maga, speed or flight for a Rego maga, etc. The body will have normal body levels, but no penalties for wounds, including incapacitation, will not be affected by fatigue, and will need no sleep. The corpse will know which direction its murderers are in at all times, and will have a shadow of its former memories and skills -- 1/2 of everything but arts. The corpse will remain animated only until the next full moon, at which time it will crumble into dust.

Exchange of Two Lives ... Re Co - 60
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ... Mu
Simultaneously exchanges the positions of two individuals (as previous spells) and uses MuCo to transform them into exact likenesses of each other. Thus, visually nothing happens at all, but you become like the target and the target like becomes you... You do not return to your original position when the spell ends, but merely resume your original appearance. If this can't confuse the enemy, nothing will...

Raising the Army of the Dead ... Re Co - 60
R ... Portée : Local ... Durée : Inst. ...
Raises from the ground and animates all the whole skeletons and corpses within one mile to a maximum of the caster's (Rego + Corporem) * 10 corpses. These then will follow her commands so long as she concentrates on controlling them. Lacking such control they will stand idle until so controlled once more. To resume control once it has been dropped, the caster must make a Concentration + Meditation + Int roll of 15+. Once in control, she must make similar rolls every time she gives the army new orders ranging from 9+ up depending on the complexity and number of different groups controlled.

Opening Outward Gates ... Re Co - 75
R ... Portée : Near ... Durée : Moon/Perm. ... Vi
Opens a gate to another reallity such as Faerie or Hell, or others if they are part of your world view. A different version of this spell must be learned for each location.

Casting Requisites: appropriate form for accoutrements.

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