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Creo Imagonem

The Tender Breeze ... Cr Im - 5
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc.(Once) ...
The caster ``blows'' a kiss at the target, who will feel the kiss. The kiss will leave a mark if the caster's lips normally would.

Wizard's Script ... Cr Im - 10
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : [1]Sun. ... In Me
Writes up to 20 words in a silvery script on any flat surface. They are visible only to the intended recipient(s), and will fade even as they are read or after a duration of Sun.

Elaboration of the Conspicuous Sigil ... Cr Im - 10
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ... Vi
This spell is cast prior to another spell's casting. A concentration roll is required per round that this spell is maintained before the second is cast. Another Concentration roll is required when the second spell is cast, at 6+. The second spell is then cast in a flamboyant demonstration of magic and your own sigil. In essence you create a flashy side effect that has no actual power.

Chimes of the Hours ... Cr Im - 15
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ... In
The caster sets a magic alarm upon a target, causing a chime to ring at a time specified when the spell is cast. The chime will go off whether the caster is nearby at the appropriate time or not.
Casting requisite: appropriate form for the target.

Enchantment of the Uncontrollable Bliss ... Cr Im - 25
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ... Me
The target is completely overcome with pleasure, both emotional and physical. The target must make a Concentration roll of 15+ to perform any action other than sitting, standing, or writhing in pleasure. Those with personality traits which conflict with such hedonistic feelings may apply the traits to Concentration rolls, and have one chance to make an appropriate personality roll of 10+ to shake off the effects.

Shadow of the Vicious Beast ... Cr Im - 30
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ... An
Creates an image of an animal up to Size +2, which will act as the given type of animal, on his own, but according to the casters interests. The animal impacts all senses as if it were a real animal of the given type, but the results of its actions are not ``real'', and will not impact the real world in any way. Thus, the animal's bite will cause pain exacting wound penalties, but there will be no wound and no blood, and the animal will leave no tracks and will have no weight -- it cannot knock someone over, but neither can it be lifted. The image will respond to real or magical images which impact it, and thus it will take ``damage'' from normal attacks, and will leave images of blood where it has been wounded and where the image of the blood fell. No matter what beast the image appears to be, it will at best have all attributes at +1 and combat totals at +4. The beast will have appropriate abilities up to a maximum bonus of the caster's Finesse + 3.

Cherished Reminiscence ... Cr Im - 30
... Portée : Near ... Durée : [2]Nap ... Me
The target relives, in complete detail, the most physically painful experience of the target's life. This spell will last as long as the original event, so it may last instants -- a memory of a great wound that knocked the target unconscious -- or up to days -- memory of the pain suffered by a crushed leg while the target was trapped in a cave-in. The target must make an Int + Stm roll of 12+ or suffer actual physical damage from the memory; a roll of 15+ allows the target to throw off the effects completely.

Displaying the Imagination ... Cr Im - 35
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
The caster creates an illusion of whatever picture she has in her ``mind's eye.'' She can cause the image to change to whatever she thinks of. This spell is interesting in that it has no requisites, so that it is possible to create an image of ``fire'' without an Ignem requisite. However, unlike Phantasmal Fire (CrIm 15), which insures by its Ignem requisite a believable-looking fire, the image created by this spell is only as good as the caster's internal image of it -- so a person with a low Ignem will probably have too little knowledge of fire to create a good image. Having many objects, or a lot of motion, lowers image quality as well. This spell is especially difficult to concentrate on: -3 to all such rolls, -5 to Concentration on any spell being concentrated on at the same time, and, whenever distracted, the caster must make 2 Concentration rolls -- the first to maintain the spell, and the second to keep the image in her mind. Note that it is possible to cast this spell and ``hold'' it without projecting any image for a while.

Etching the Lunar Script ... Cr Im - 70
R ... Portée : Spec. ... Durée : Spec. ... Me
Allows the caster to etch a symbol and have the image of that symbol appear on the face of the moon. This spell may only be cast during a full moon, and only those who have the Gift to work magic may see the symbol. The blood of a woman may be used as a focus, giving +3. The ritual affects the moon's image for three nights maximum, but individual viewers may ``clear away'' the symbol in their own minds with a moment's concentration. This spell may not be cast successfully twice in the same hour period, no matter who does the casting. Of course this spell does not actually affect the lunar sphere, only the senses of the watchers.

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