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Intellego Mentem

Detection of Other Minds ... In Me - Gen
... Portée : Zone Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
This spell detects the presence of other minds in the vicinity. The caster gets an accurate feeling for the number and location of all other minds in the area of effect, but no insight into what they are or what they are thinking. This spell is mostly used to detect hidden or invisible people. Since it relies on the mind instead of sight, it will go right through most Imagonem spells. However, a wizard can defend herself by casting her Imagonem spell with a Mentem requisite at 5 Levels higher than normal. Thus, Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 30), cast at Level 35 with a Mentem requisite, would cause this spell to not detect any presence and an Image from the Wizard Torn (PeIm 15), cast at Level 20 with a Mentem requisite would make the image seem to have a mind. A Detection cast at a higher Level than the Imagonem spell will still see through it, so the above Image must cast at at least Level 26 to stand a chance of fooling this spell. This spell works only on humans, Faeries, intelligent undead and corporeal demons.

Perceiving the Eyes of Knives ... In Me - 15
... Portée : Zone Near ... Durée : Conc. ...
The caster can sense hostile thoughts directed at the caster or the caster's group. The caster does not glean the contents of the thoughts, but will know from which direction the thoughts are coming, and on a Per roll of 9+, will be able to determine from whom the thoughts originate if the originator is within the caster's vision.

The Sleeper's Unfolding Tale ... In Me - 15
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Conc. ... Im
Allows the caster to sense what the target is dreaming. Most dreams consist only of sight and sounds, but some individuals -- notably unintelligent people -- will dream more vividly, and in more senses.

Incantation of the Heart Felt Truth ... In Me - 20
... Portée : Near(Eye) ... Durée : Conc. ... Re Te
This spell was developed by a particularly nasty Quaesitor as an alternative to Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (InMe 20). It has since been outlawed as a means to determine the truth of a maga's statement, but many wizards still enjoy using it when dealing with mundanes.

The magi must have a dagger, knife or other sharp pointed implement for use with this spell. When the spell is cast, the dagger will move itself so that it is positioned directly over the victim's heart. Whenever the victim lies, the dagger will bury itself deeper into the victim's body, doing +6 damage which may be soaked normally, although the victim will assumedly be wearing no armor. If a victim takes damage, than it is quite easy to see that she lied. If she managed to soak the whole damage roll, this is not obvious.

The Living Colors ... In Me - 20
... Portée : Zone Sight ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ... Im
The caster of this spell will see ``auras'' around every person, indicating their emotions and state of mind. These auras are simply colors that are superimposed over the caster's normal vision, so the caster may be fooled by Imagonem spells which mimic the aura effect. Since the colors are changing, and colors may each indicate several different emotions, the information gained from this spell is very general.

Sense the Spirits of the Night ... In Me - 20
... Portée : Zone Sight ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ...
The caster can see spirits and ghosts for the duration of the spell.

Riding the Eyes of Man ... In Me - 20
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Conc. ... Im
Basically Eyes of the Lowly Beast (InAn 15) with a human target. Could be used on a spirit of some kind if the spirit could sense with normal human senses.

Voices of the Damned ... In Me - 20
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ...
The subject of this spell can suddenly hear the voices of the dead, as they cry, scream, and mumble in the afterworld. This power is not selective -- the subject will hear the voices of all dead souls within 5 paces, and may not block out the voices except by an act of extreme concentration. The subject of the spell may act differently depending upon her personality, but in any case she suffers a distraction of -1 per two dead souls within the area, to a maximum penalty of -5, at which point the target can hear almost nothing else. The target will usually exhibit noticeable discomfort around dead bodies and places of burial, and will be extremely distracted every time someone dies in the presence of the target -- to the tune of -5 for one round, not cumulative with the aforementioned penalties.
Particularly nasty souls that can somehow sense the target's discomfort may purposefully berate and harass the target, providing additional penalties, at the storyguide's option.

Warning of the Imminent Attack ... In Me - 20
... Portée : Self ... Durée : Sun. ...
The caster will be able to sense imminent danger to herself or her group, getting a sense of foreboding, starting very weak (Per roll of 9+ to notice) up to 5 rounds before the danger strikes, and getting suddenly strong the round immediately before the danger manifests. The caster will always be under stress once the sense of foreboding begins, even if the caster has not yet noticed it. Possibly other Req.

Journey of the Silver Road ... In Me - 20
... Portée : Arcane ... Durée : Spec. ... Cr
Allows the caster to share the dreams of the target, provided she is within range. The caster must have an object intimate to the target, and the target must expect the use of this magic. This does not imply that the target must be willing! The spell is cast before going to sleep. If, at any point before you wake up, the target goes to sleep, or if they are asleep when you go to sleep, you will share a dream.
Each of you may pass one idea through the dream for each point by which an Int + Meditation + Strong Willed roll of 6+ succeeds, or two points of success may be used to allow the partner to send an idea. If the caster has no score in Enigmatic Wisdom, then the roll is 9+.
In addition, the storyguide may allow one idea of her choice to pass in each direction, whether the participants wish it or not. In general, this should be the dominant concern of the involuntary sender. Dreams are hard for anyone to control.

Weighing the Turncoat's Silver ... In Me - 20
... Portée : Near(Eye) ... Durée : Conc. ...
This is a specific version of Posing the Silent Question, with which you get a fairly accurate idea of what price the target is unable to resist in a bribe, according to a specific request by the caster.

Opening the Crystal Gates ... In Me - 25
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Conc. ... Cr Im
The caster touches a target, who must be in a meditative frame of mind, and holds out her left hand, palm upwards. The target then attempts to recall some fragment of her past, and an image of the memory, perfect in every detail, appears above the caster's hand and sound accompanies the image. Every part of the memory, even those which have been forgotten, is apparent. Even a period of time the target cannot remember at all, for example, by means of a Loss of But a Moment's Memory (PeMe 20)), can be seen through the use of this spell. However, although details the subject did not notice the first time may be seen, things she did not perceive may not.

Gift of the Stranger's Thoughts ... In Me - 50
... Portée : Touch ... Durée : Sun. ... Cr
Takes the memories and habits of the person touched and implants them within the maga's own mind. For the duration, the caster will have a fair scope of the person's memories (All non-magic skills at half Level), but, apart from the maga's strongest motivations, will act as if she is truly the other person. The spell is dangerous to maintain for a long period, as the other personality will slowly become dominant -- change personality traits at the rate of one point per month towards the new personality. These changes are permanent, although they may change normally. While under this spell, the caster's mind will seem to be that of the other person to all but the deepest magical investigation.

Mind's Bridge ... In Me - 55
R ... Portée : Self ... Durée : Year/Perm. ...
Allows the caster to communicate over long distances with others. Once this spell is cast, anyone who was present during the casting of the ritual may contact the caster by concentrating on her face and name for one round and making an Int + Concentration roll of 4+. The maga will then feel that someone is trying to make contact with her, and gain some idea of who it is and where they are. The feeling is strong enough to wake a person out of sleep. If the maga chooses to accept the communication, she can hold a conversation with the person, but at the beginning of the conversation, and for every 10 words spoken thereafter, both people must make Stm rolls of 6+ or lose a fatigue level. Also, attacks may be made over this link. Arcane connection required.
The mechanics work like Certamen, save that the roll bonus is Int + Concentration + Mentem/5 + Strong Will, the roll to fatigue is Int + Concentration vs. Stm + Concentration, and no final spells can be cast.
The link ends when either person chooses to end it, either person falls unconscious, or either person is distracted and fails a Concentration roll, so a person can pull out of a combat between rounds.

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