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Muto Mentem

The Gentle Falling into Sleep ... Mu Me - 15
... Portée : Near(Ear) ... Durée : [-1]Sun. ...
The caster causes a willing recipient to fall asleep by speaking calmly and soothingly into her ears. Unwilling recipients are allowed a Stm roll of 6+ to resist; however, they must roll every round that the maga speaks. This spell will not work on over-excited targets, such as opposing warriors in combat, although it will work perfectly well to put captured warriors out for several hours afterwards. Likewise, this spell will not work in places that are too noisy for normal sleep, such as at the base of a great waterfall. Anyone effected will sleep her normal 6 to 10 hours, or until awakened by normal means. This is a natural, non-violent way to put someone to sleep.

The Voice of Reason ... Mu Me - 15
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ...
You speak to the target, elaborating upon the negative consequences of some action, and convince the target not to perform the action. The target must be able to hear and understand you, and you must have the time to complete your argument (which typically takes from 2 to 10 rounds). The target may resist the spell with a personality trait (stubborn, or anything else appropriate) of 9+. This roll may be modified by the storyguide based upon how reasonable your argument is.

The Curse of Babel ... Mu Me - 20
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ... Pe
The target's mind is warped so that when she tries to speak or make any other meaningful noise, it comes out as gibberish. The target will not be aware that she is speaking gibberish, even if it is pointed out to her - she believes she is speaking normally. The target can hear and understand the speech of other people normally. Two people under the effects of this spell will speak entirely different gibberish, being incomprehensible to each other, as well as everyone else.

Seed of Betrayal ... Mu Me - 20
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ...
Gives the target a sense of distrust for another person designated by the caster. The target does not suddenly lose all trust in the other person, but will interpret all actions of the designated person, past, present, and future, in the worst possible light. The target may resist the spell with a Trusting + Int roll of 12+ when the spell is initially cast, possibly modified by the designated person's reputation. This spell does not require normal words or gestures to cast, but the caster must speak a short sentence to the target, which subtly questions the designated person's loyalty and trustworthiness.

The Overwhelming Emotion ... Mu Me - 20
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun. ... Pe
Increases one emotion the target is feeling, to the exclusion of all other emotions. The target gains a +6 Personality Trait for the emotion or adds 6 to the current trait, if she has one, and all other emotions and drives are dampened -- halve all other personality traits, rounding toward zero. Only works on an emotion the target was already feeling, and since the target was already feeling the emotion, there is no natural resistance roll.

Fervor of the Fanatic ... Mu Me - 25
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ...
One belief of the target is greatly strengthened, to the point of fanaticism (treat it as a passion). The target will evangelistically try to persuade others to share her belief, by whatever means are most appropriate to the character (violence is not uncommon), and will react negatively to those who disagree with her belief. If the target does not actually believe what you attempt to magnify, the spell has no effect.

Perception of Extreme Intoxication ... Mu Me - 25
... Portée : Near ... Durée : Sun./Perm. ...
The target suffers from extreme hallucinations which make the real world a very distant concern. Who knows what the target perceives, but if possible, they should play it out. The target may resist with an Int roll of 12+, made when the spell is first cast and whenever the target is having a particularly bad trip.

See the Reality behind the World ... Mu Me - 40
R ... Portée : Self ... Durée : Spec. ... In Vi
This spell induces Twilight for the caster, including the gain of Twilight points. This twilight state, being self-induced, is more under control , and has the advantage of adding Magic Aura to the strength of the Good Effects (before division, after multiplication) for which it is applicable. As one might guess, this spell was invented by a Criamon magus. The vis usage of this spell is quite flexible; by adding a Casting Requisite, one may use that variety of vis for the spell. It is, however, limited by that any Good Effect gotten will be limited in what can result by what the vis used for the casting of the spell is possible.

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